Saturday, March 6, 2010

It Continues--March 6, 2010

Enter the "Groundhog Days" of work again.

So routine!

Woke up at 7:20.  Breakfast, shower, airport.  Got to my station at 9:20 A.M.  I flew lines for the next three hours.  We were forecast to have a high temperature of 63 degrees today, and the earth was just a'burstin' with excitement.  She threw up her thermals around 11 o'clock, and I pretty much hated my life ever since.

It was some painful stuff.  VERY abrupt.  I fought downdrafts more than updrafts, but we had everything.  It just boggles my mind how nasty it can get.  I flew until 12:20 and then begged for land!  We all four flew up to Jones-Lebanon again for lunch.  This is probably the last time, though, as we're all movin' further and further away from the airport.  But I did get to have a hamburger, baked beans, and fried potatoes!  And another beautiful slice of cherry pie.  This airport is amazing!!!

I barely climbed to 6500 feet on the way back.  Seriously, this engine is a pig.  Goin' from the 180-horsepower to whatever I have in this is crazy!  It was nothing short of painful.  But I finally made it.

I ended up logging another 5.1 hours of flying today.

Since the weather was so nice, I went for a run (that lasted about 5 minutes before I was dying), but I managed to walk and run for about 20-25 minutes.  PAINFUL.  Then I went swimming and then we went out to eat.  We talked about our jobs, our futures, racism, you name it.  It's a pretty crazy place to be.  Coming to the end of the season and talking about next year.  I never thought I was ever going to have to have a job like this, and here I am going on Year 3 next year.

But it's way too far down the road to even think about.  Just focus on the day-to-day operations.

I stayed inside again tonight.  Which was fine by me.

Oh, and Mom and Dad cleaned up my house some today.  An outdoor light is installed, the leaves are raked up, the branches are trimmed, and the carpets are cleaned.  After tomorrow, I should be able to put a roommate in there.  Crazy.  I also bought a patio table for outside!  I need to stop spending money pronto!

Went to bed very exhausted at 11:00 P.M.  The forecast has clouds at 3500 feet...still high enough for us to work.

Day 12 of flying in a row tomorrow.  I never thought I'd see it in the Midwest.

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