Wednesday, April 14, 2010

FINALLY...A Day Off!!!--April 13, 2010

Woke up at 7:43 A.M.  MUCH to my disliking.  I tried fall back asleep, but I was strugglin'.  I think I went under for a just a bit but ended up waking up at 8:00.  <sigh>  I guess my body won't even allow me to sleep in.

I checked the weather.  The winds were just a'howlin'!!!  WOO HOO!!!  The airport had 22 knots gusting to 37 just about all day today.  And Airmet Tango was issued from the surface to 18,000 feet MSL.  And let me tell you, there just ain't NO way I'm goin' up to fly in that crap.  No, sirree!!!  I was so excited.

I had a slow morning, but I didn't want to have an unproductive day, so I opted between working on my logbook some more...or studying!!!  I'm startin' to salivate at the thought of a jet job, and although I have NO guarantees, I owe it to myself to dream big.  I'm just a'hopin'.  So I decided to follow through with a plan I had made a couple months ago...I bought an ATP test prep kit.  It cost $75.00, but it guarantees a 90% or better.  I can handle that.  And I started my studying.  I can't believe it!  Like seriously, I'm halfway suprised.  I mean, I KNOW I need to get this test out of the way, but I'm actually doin' it!!!  It's another box to check on the resume, and it certainly won't hurt.  I guess it will let my future employer (hopefully) know that I am serious about aviation as a career.  There are just ove 700 questions on the test.  I studied the first 120 or so.  If I can just do that for 5 days straight, I think I can score that 70!  Or 90 or better!  Agh, I can't wait to get this out of the way!!!

I had lunch downstairs in the hotel.  This place is great.  This set-up is great!  I love bein' here.  I invited a couple of the other imaging guys to sit with me, and we talked about our jobs...kind of like last night.  It's interesting to hear about their life,'s different but all the same.

Tammi called while on my way down, and she invited me to go with her to the dog park with Oscar.  I said certainly!  She picked me up about a half hour later, and we three headed for the park.  It's a very large, wide-open area, and it's right in the middle of the sprawling suburbs.  I'm really glad they keep this a park.  It's certainly worth millions upon millions in real estate, but I just had a great time out there.  As did the dogs!  There were probably 20 cars there and certainly more dogs!  I've never been to a dog park, but it definitely made me want a dog!  It's one of the things I miss about not havin' a home...I would just love to have that best friend!  I miss Hoss...he was pretty much perfect!

We dropped Oscar off at PetSmart afterwards for a haircut, and then we went to Starbuck's just to hang out.  It's so nice having a local friend!  She dropped me back off around 4:00, and I hung around the hotel for a few hours, then walked over and grabbed the courtesy car at the FBO.  I tell you, the desk chick is just downright beautiful.  It really sucks knowin' I can't pursue anything...she is just gorgeous...and fun!  I wish I could talk to her more, but I would just feel pretty awkward...she sees pilots every day.  Guys will recognize she's attractive...I'm sure it gets old.

But, agh, I want to take her out!!!

I walked back to the hotel, played a few games of pool, then headed up to my room for the night.  Tomorrow is lookin' absolutely gorgeous for imaging.  The skies are forecast to be clear.  We have another high-pressure system movin' in.  And you know what?  I'm actually excited about flying tomorrow...even for 8 hours!  Yeah, it's goin' to be rough, but I'm just puttin' myself in that attitude to fly.  I'm goin' to shoot for some lower plans and give my nose and ears a break (with the oxygen), but I'm just ready to have another good, productive day!

Oh, I should also mention that I received a phone call from the company today.  Basically, another vendor is out here working on a plan right below Cessna 172's.  Well, for whatever reason, they have a flight plan that they cannot complete.  Hmm.  Interesting.  Well, I loaded up the plan and checked out the map of its location.  It's at 11,500 feet...but oddly enough well west of where I have been doing my imaging thus far.  And I'm already over the rather-steep-climbing foothills of the mountains.  Hmm.  So I opened up a sectional and checked out its exact location.  Basically, it's in an area where the mountain peak is 14,600.  And the highest elevation right below it is 10,500.  Hmm, so I have 1,000 feet of separation between me and cumulo-granite?  With winds coming over a peak of 14,600?

Um, with all due respect...screw that!!!

I am eager to try it out tomorrow, though.  I've got my camera ready.  I want to fly at 11,500 and aim due west...and just take a picture of the peak at 12 o'clock and send it to our company.  Yeah, um, can we raise that a bit?!

Went to bed at a very respectable 10:45.  I'm hopin' for a solid 9 hours of sleep!!!  I am expecting to have an 8-plus hour day tomorrow!!!

And it's crazy.  I'm actually ready for it!

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